Search & Rescue

Lorem Ipsum

IMSI Search & Rescue

Revector’s IMSI Catcher, the Revector Detector. can be used by SAR teams and first responders to locate mobile phones during critical scenarios and in hostile terrain, providing an essential rescue capability when accuracy and time are of the essence.

There are two common types of Search and Rescue mission, one where you know the specific device(s) that are being searched for, and the other where any devices need to be found, for example in Natural Disastors. Revector Detector has features that can cater to both.

Once the MISPERs have been targeted, Revector Detector can provide an estimated location down to 20m radius, helping locate the missing person in hard to navigate environments, much easier.

The operator can then initiate a private network with the MISPER to begin communication to further assist with the search mission.

Features Include:

IMSI Catcher UAV

IMSI Catcher Covert

Case Studies:

WannaCry: a worldwide wake-up call

WannaCry: a worldwide wake-up call

On Friday 12th May, the largest ransomware attack in internet history rippled across the globe. The WannaCry malware struck more than 200,000 machines in 150 countries in a matter of days. The malware locks users’ files and demands $300 (£230) to regain access. By Monday

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Countering terrorism on the mobile network

By Shane Wilson, Revector Recent proposals by governments and security agencies have once again raised debate over how the mobile networks are to be treated in a threat scenario. The driver is the propensity for terrorist groups to deploy mobile as an element of an

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